Wednesday 13 August 2014

potential difficulties I will face

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Main images for film poster & website
- My models may be unreliable and not make the days I have asked therefore creating issues with my images.

- my main image may not fit with the look of my website and poster

-my image may be blurry or not good quality.

- I will ensure reliability by choosing carefully who will be my model and also may have back ups which I can use in case my original decides they aren't interested anymore or are unable to take part.

- I will plan out carefully what I want my whole outlook to be therefore I will know ahead of time what my images should look like. I will also be able to use Photoshop to make the image fit with the horror feel. 
- I will ensure to use a good quality camera therefore my image should come out well, however I can also use Photoshop to help improve the image further.

-some of my location will be set outside therefore the weather may effect when I can film.

- dark nights are approaching so I need to chose a time where there is enough natural light for the footage to be seen. 

- My location may not create the horror outlook I was hoping for.


-I will research ahead of time the weather forecast and pick a day that is suitable. However if this forecast is wrong I will ensure I have another day planned.

- I will film during summertime or daytime therefore dark nights wont be a problem and the natural light will ensure my footage is seen.
- I can edit it on Photoshop changing the colours and making it look eerie. If this doesn't work I will have a backup location set up.

-I do not have all the skills in Photoshop therefore my overall product may not be outstanding

-I have past experience in Photoshop I will research into more using YouTube tutorials to ensure that my outcome is the best it can be.

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