Sunday 31 August 2014

Survey Results

Question 4-8

>From these results I have found 60% of people use the trailer as a way of being aware of the film and is partly the reason they go to see it. 
> That most people view film trailer on youtube 
> The most influential thing is the storyline/plot and the actual trailer itself and the director is the least important 

Survey results

Question 3

This pie chart clearly shows the most popular genre chosen was Action, some of the genres were not chosen at all which means I will count them out due to lack of popularity. I am using the horror genre when creating my film trailer so these results may be useful in what the viewers like to see from this particular genre. Since the action genre got the highest percentage I will make this action horror my sub genre therefore it will appeal to my target audience. 

Survey results

Question 2

This shows the age range of my results and by putting my survey online this meant I got many different ages answering my survey. I will take this into account when creating my movie trailer. My largest groups are 21-30 and 50+ meaning the results will focus on their opinions.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Film Trailer survey Results

Question 1:

These results show that the people answering this questionnaire are predominantly females therefore the results I get back will be many of their interests and opinions so I should take this into account when further analysing.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Film trailer survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

I have created a survey on SurveyMonkey in order to get information about my Target audience and what they would like to see in a film trailer. This will help me when creating my trailer as I will have more of an Idea of what to include. In order to get my Survey to the public I have posted it on social media (twitter) this will allow for a wider range of people to fill in my questionnaire and get a good range of results.


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Editing Research

When making my own film trailer I will incorporate these techniques into my own trailer. This will allow for smoother transitions and an overall better quality trailer. I would like to include cross-cutting in my trailer because for my plot line to work I need to cut between two different scenes to build suspense and fear. I will have the 'villain' character running and the 'victim' running this will build up until she is caught. Fade in and fade out will be a crucial transition in my editing process because this makes the film trailer flow easier. 

Soundtrack Ideas for my Film Trailer

Audio Ideas for My main task

I may include sound effects which will add to the horror effect of my trailer this is used on many professional horror trailers in order to scare the audience.

Man Heavy Breathing

Woman screaming

Horror Piano theme

These sound effects will all emphasize the Horror theme and are typical conventions I will include.

I have considered using contrapuntal music for my movie trailer. This means I may use a happy/jovial music to juxtapose the horror genre and create a bigger emphasize on the scene. This was used in insidious they played tip toe through the tulips which made a cheerful song scary. Another example is Mr sandman in Halloween 2.

Non-copyright music

Clearing music usually involves talking to two sets of people:
Publishers – these people own the rights to the words and music in written form. So if you wanted to strum your own version of a Madonna song, for example, you would need to get permission from these people.
Record Company – they own the rights to the actual performance and recording itself. So if you want to use a clip from an actualRazorlight song (rather than singing your own version), for example, you would need to have permission from both the publishers and the record company.

If i decide to use copyrighted music I would have to write a letter to the company to ask for permission to use it. 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Last years trailers anaylsis

- the use of the different film companies overlaid with his original footage makes it look professional and authentic.
- the use of 'unparalleled' as a comment shows the audience how the film has been rated which looks good to the viewers
- like the use of black and white fits well with the genre
- the scream on 'abuse her' shows the type of film it is going to be and is a use of juxtaposition in sound because it directly contrasts with the slow sad music in the background.
- the overlapping of scenes and editing is good

-seems more like a story rather than a movie trailer
-slow pace doesn't fit with the genre and by speeding it up it could have attracted a wider audience.

Horror movie website

saw movie website

horror poster conventions

I will include elements of this poster in my own work such as the layout. The main image is foregrounded which I would also like to include. This particular is image is very eerie and haunting allowing the audience to be scared and fearful which is the exact reaction you want from a horror poster. By including such a image it will attract my audience. Furthermore I would also like to use the colour scheme, this is typical to a horror movie poster therefore I will utilize this in my own to make it conventional. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Deconstruction No.3

Link to blair witch project trailer

This trailer is very realistic to make which makes it inspiring. I would like to take some of these elements and put them in my own trailer. I specifically like the black screen at the beginning of the trailer where there is only a non diegetic voice over this builds up suspense and introduces the story. I am also inspired by the close up shot of the young girl at the end, by using this type of shot you can see the facial expressions and emotions easier therefore it will evoke emotion from the audiences perspective also. 

potential difficulties I will face

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Main images for film poster & website
- My models may be unreliable and not make the days I have asked therefore creating issues with my images.

- my main image may not fit with the look of my website and poster

-my image may be blurry or not good quality.

- I will ensure reliability by choosing carefully who will be my model and also may have back ups which I can use in case my original decides they aren't interested anymore or are unable to take part.

- I will plan out carefully what I want my whole outlook to be therefore I will know ahead of time what my images should look like. I will also be able to use Photoshop to make the image fit with the horror feel. 
- I will ensure to use a good quality camera therefore my image should come out well, however I can also use Photoshop to help improve the image further.

-some of my location will be set outside therefore the weather may effect when I can film.

- dark nights are approaching so I need to chose a time where there is enough natural light for the footage to be seen. 

- My location may not create the horror outlook I was hoping for.


-I will research ahead of time the weather forecast and pick a day that is suitable. However if this forecast is wrong I will ensure I have another day planned.

- I will film during summertime or daytime therefore dark nights wont be a problem and the natural light will ensure my footage is seen.
- I can edit it on Photoshop changing the colours and making it look eerie. If this doesn't work I will have a backup location set up.

-I do not have all the skills in Photoshop therefore my overall product may not be outstanding

-I have past experience in Photoshop I will research into more using YouTube tutorials to ensure that my outcome is the best it can be.

Inspirational movie trailer No.2

The strangers: I was inspired by this movie trailer immediately because I love how it begins with the sense of a romance film and keeps the audience guessing the whole way through. The trailer doesn't appear to be a horror at first which helps to build anticipation and the 'shock factor'.

In the beginning of this trailer it creates an eerie setting of a cabin out in the middle of nowhere this is stereotypical to a horror film, however then it is moved away from this fact and all the focus is centred onto this couple who seem extremely happy and in love. This film trailer also states 'inspired by true events' this creates a sense of reality to the viewers which can intensify the horror further. The sound effect of the creaking swings immediately sets in a sense of foreboding. which I think helps to build up drama and suspicion.

my favourite scene in this trailer has to be where it becomes silent and in walks a 'stranger' in a mask and the young girl is unaware, then the sound returns and its a bang which straight away made me jump. now where no the people in the house are threats. I also like the use of writing on the windows which shows their is more than one of these 'strangers'

the best thing in this trailer is its use of sound. It uses the skipping record at the end to move the creatures, the use of the happy music and the unhappy setting creates a juxtaposition emphasizing the fear in this situation. I would love to apply some of these effects to my trailer.

Insprational Movie trailers

The grudge: This film trailer inspires me due to its many aspects that build up tension and anticipation. This movie was a huge success with its audience therefore implying that the trailer must have accounted for its success partly. This trailer doesn't have a lot of footage by doing this it allows the audience to wonder what is going to happen in the trailer. They use sentences in between cuts such as 'When someone dies in the grip of powerful rage' this straight away shows this is a horror film as it includes death.

The beginning of the trailer includes a small sighting of the figure before it introduces its conglomerate that created the film, this grabbed my attention straight away as it gives the audience a insight to what the film is about without giving everything away. This also relates to the actual film. This trailer uses incidental music throughout which creates a build up of tension and almost creates that 'jumpy' feeling you get in the cinemas from a scary horror film.

I love the idea of the fast cuts in this trailer because it immediately made me frightened which is what I want my viewers to feel. Furthermore the fast cuts quicken the pace of the trailer which will help to pull in my target audience of teenagers as they want everything to be quick and fast paced reflecting their lifestyle.

The voiceover in this clip helps to set the scene and tell the story that is going to be portrayed on screen. In my trailer I would also like to use a voice over because it focuses on the events clearly and helps to create mystery.

I want to take aspects from this trailer and use them in mine to reflect the same fear and reaction this trailer got.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Movie poster inspiration

Mood board of Horror film posters

I have created a mood board on pinterest including some inspirational existing film posters. I did this in order to get an idea of what a typical horror movie poster looks like this. By looking at these I see many of the posters Include red as their primary colour across their poster, this is done in order to put across connotations of blood and death. Furthermore I also noticed that the main image on the poster is usually of the main character/antagonist of the film this is used as the main selling point of the film. I think this is done to create anticipation for the film and it also helps to focus on the horror element. I may think of doing these things when creating my film poster. I am inspired by these particular film posters because they were all huge successes meaning that the poster will have helped to create some of that success. I will take into consideration the elements used in these posters and may take some onto my own in order for my final product to become a successful one. 

Ancillary Task #2 - Website

website Link
Genre of website 
Audience (male/female)

Both male and female. 

downloads, cast, images, about us 
Where can it be advertised?

It will mainly be advertised online and on social media it will also be featured on the movie trailer and poster to create more awareness. 
Age certificate

It will be rated 15 
Main ideas for the website 
It will include two hyperlinked pages which will be the cast and about these features will include extra details about each cast member and the director, including images. The other hyperlinked page will be the about this will include a short summary of the plot line and how the film was created. 
Other Info
The main homepage will feature the same image as my movie poster to create something that is instantly recognizable. The title of the film will also be a main feature on the homepage to ensure there is no confusion from the viewers 

Ancillary Task #1 - Movie Poster

Title of Movie Poster
Dead end 
Genre of Movie that the poster is advertising:
Audience (male/female)

Both male and female. 
Main image

The main image will be a glitched image of a young girls face who will be the protagonist of the film. This will help to apply to the technology element of the film. 
Where can it be shown?

It will be shown at places such like bus stops, billboards, online, in cinemas and social media.
Age certificate

It will be rated 15 
Main ideas for the poster
The title will be placed along the top with a subtitle underneath to give some more away saying "people aren't always who they seem". The main image will be a glitched image of the protagonist to add to the technology danger element of the films plot. I will also put on a review from a newspaper/magazine that will entice the audience. The main colour featured on the poster will be red which connotates blood and death to allow the horror genre to show through. 
Other Info
The photo will be shot in my bedroom and will use low key light to highlight the genre of the film. 

Main Task - Basic proposal form

below is my initial proposals for the first of my three tasks. 

Main Task

Type of Movie Trailer (Romance, Thriller, etc)

Name of Movie Trailer

dead end  
Audience (male/female)

This trailer will appeal to male and female audiences. I will aim for ages 15-25 as these are stereotypically afraid of horrors and enjoy to see them at the cinemas. 
Audience (attitudes and interests)

The audience who will want to view my trailer will have interests like;
horror films, supernatural TV shows/video games, going to the cinema and most likely rock music. 
Where can it be seen?

My trailer will be put up on youtube allowing a mass audience to see it and during adverts of channels popular of teens such as BBC 3, E4 etc that way I will be targeting the audience most likely to enjoy the trailer and eventually go see the film. It may also be seen as a preview in the cinemas to allow cinema lovers to see a sneak peak of the film. 
Age certificate

My trailer will have a rating of 15 due to the mature nature of the film including mild language, strong violence and offensive behaviour. 
Main idea for the trailer 
My idea for the trailer is to include a stalker and a teenage girl who is speaking to someone on-line who she doesn't perceive as a threat to start with until strange events occur. The teenage girl will disappear leaving people to wonder where she has gone. the music will change and will create tension as the trailer nears an end. The locations will be a bedroom, the forest mainly. 
Duration of Trailer

about 1 and a half minutes so that not too much is given away. 

Storyboards and reconstruction task

For my research and planning I had to recreate an existing film trailer, My group decided on twilight this fits in with the chosen genre but also had a variety of shots types I wanted to explore. The storyboard below shows the first 30 seconds of the trailer. 

These are my storyboards which I created on-line at  this allowed me to get a basic understanding of the filming process. By using a storyboard it allows me to follow it like a plan to ensure when filming the shots, location, costume and camera movements are as accurate as possible.The whole of this trailer recreation was shot outside of our college mainly in the car park area. The people I used as actors were myself and Katie while Samantha and Paige helped to film it. These storyboards are a step by step guide and will even help during the editing process of the 30 second trailer. 

As a group we decided to recreate the first 30 seconds the twilight trailer, this is a very popular film franchise therefore will appeal to a wider audience.  

By doing this I learned a lot of things from my mistakes, there are clearly many faults within this re-creation, as by fault of our own we lost the first reconstruction and footage therefore we were put under pressure to re-do in a short amount of time.

- the footage is sometimes shakey
- not a lot of shot types
- fuzzy footage
- not long enough