Friday 27 June 2014

institutions research

These are the big six known for most of the movies out there at the moment they have created films from my chosen genre such as:

Time warner has created:
-the shining
- the exorcist
-Friday the 13th

News corp has created
- alien
-the omen
-the fly

these are some of the most well known horror films and all created by the biggest conglomerates in Hollywood.  

However I will probably use a independent British company to make my film trailer this is because I will be open to more resources and it will look more realistic. 

British indépendant companies

Warp Films is one of the UK's most critically acclaimed independent film production companies, and is based in Sheffield & London, UK, with a further office in Melbourne, Australia. Warp Films have been behind an array of critically acclaimed and award winning films, including several BAFTAs.

Big Talk Productions - Nira Park, Matthew Justice, Kenton Allen
Big Talk is one of the UK’s most highly regarded production outfits that’s enjoyed success across film and comedy TV. It also has a track record of finding and working with young and upcoming talent – many of which, like Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, have now graduated to the big time. Big Talk is taking Ben Wheatley’s black comedy Sightseers to Cannes this month, where it plays in Directors’ Fortnight. Credits: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Paul, Attack the Block, Sightseers, Rev (TV), Spaced (TV), Him and Her (TV).

Independent Film Company - Luc Roeg

A diversified and highly regarded business which specialises in development, financing, production, sales and distribution, Independent produced Lynne Ramsay’s We Need to Talk About Kevin. Projects in development include adaptations of Bernard Cornwall’s Azincourt and Dean King’s Skeletons on the Zahara. Credits:  We Need to Talk about Kevin, Mr Nice

Hammer - Simon Oakes
Legendary horror brand Hammer hadn’t released a feature for over 30 years until it became part of Guy East and Nigel Sinclair’s Exclusive Media in 2008. Now, after years of false starts, it’s enjoying huge success with its ‘smart horror’ output, most notably 2012’s Daniel Radcliffe starring The Woman in Black which has taken over $125m worldwide. Follow up The Woman In Black: Angels of Death is now in the pipeline, as well as features The Quiet Ones, Boneshaker and Gaslight. It’s diversified too, launching a publishing imprint through Random House and plans a Hammer Theatre of Horror. Credits: Let Me In, Wake Wood, The Resident, The Woman in Black

If I were to chose a film institution for my own I would chose Hammer Films this is a british independent film company therefore when creating my own trailer it will be more realistic and up to the same standard. Furthermore this film company has created similar films in the genre of horror therefore this one will be most suited to my ideas. 

Monday 23 June 2014

Mystery/thriller Genre conventions

Mystery : A genre in which the central protagonist (which in these films are usually policemen or detectives) must solve a mystery or crime through clues and an investigation. This genre is almost always mixed with another, such as horror, thriller or fantasy.
Propp character types are included...
Characters: In Mystery films the central protagonist is usually a figure of authority, such as police man/woman.Heroes of this genre are usually portrayed as pure and good, and will usually be seen in police uniform, stating authority, or wear white suggesting they are pure and brave.
Villains of this genre are usually disguised and not truly revealed until the end of the film. Though the villains of this genre are very stereotypical, and seek power, wealth or someone in particular, such as the princess.
Sometimes false villains (or red herrings) are used in this genre to fool the audience and make them pay attention to the film itself, such as Alfred Borne’s twin in the Prestige.
There is always a victim in this genre of film. Whether they were important characters before their death or not, someone is almost always killed by the villain.
the typical princess character type is usually portrayed in these films as a typical ‘damsel in distress’ and is also a possible victim or object of the Villain’s schemes.
Helpers are frequently used in this genre of film, although there have been many different ‘types’ of them. The helpers can sometimes be actually more intelligent than the hero himself, such as John Watson in ‘Sherlock Holmes’, although Watson is well educated he cannot solve the crimes himself, which happens to most helpers, as this is down to the hero.
The helpers can also be a nuisance somewhat to the hero, sometimes geting into trouble or not helping beacuse they are not as experienced as their partner.
Usual Plotlines..
Mystery films usually start, like all films, with an established equilibrium. The audience is made sure that we see that the hero is peaceful in his/her everyday life and we get some background information on them too (like their personalities and role in society). After this there is a disruption of the equilbrium, which is most likely to be caused by a murder or crime of some sort, which we and the hero are made aware of, but the culprit (or villain) is kept disguised. After we are made aware of the disruption or crime, the hero then embarks on an invetsigation to discover the truth or whom the villain is. Th einvestigation usually involves a gathering of clues, crime scene searches and interviews. Here is when the hero and indeed the audience is fooled by false villains or ‘red herrings’ which we are to be believe are the true culprits but are soon told this is not the case. A new equilbrium is restored when the hero finds the true culprit at last, and the villain is punished, returning peace to the hero’s life.
examples of mystery/thriller movies for inspiration
Psycho is a 1960 thriller film which proved very popular with many generations of audiences. It is said to be Alfred hitchcocks best film and one of the greatest films of all time. I find this inspirational because it was shot in black and white adding to the eerie effect of the film. The shower scene is still iconic even today.
The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 American thriller film that blends elements of the crime and horror genres. I find the plotline inspirational because it gained widespread sucess, this implies that it was attention grabbing and shocking.
Shutter Island is a 2010 American psychological thriller.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Time deadlines

June 16th - Start of A2: Choose a main task and 2 ancillary tasks
June 27th - Deadline for Main Reconstruction task
August 20th - Deconstruction Tasks to be finished
September 11th - Pitch presentation
September 19th - Design a Film Institution
September 26th - *new* Main Reconstruction Task
October 10th - Ancillary Task Reconstruction Deadline
October Half term - Research and Planning Deadline
December 25th - Final Product Deadline
Jan 2015 - Evaluation

Time managment

June 16th - Start of A2: Choose a main task and 2 ancillary tasks
June 27th - Deadline for Main Reconstruction taskAugust 20th - Deconstruction Tasks to be finishedSeptember 11th - Pitch presentationSeptember 19th - Design a Film InstitutionSeptember 26th - Remake of reconstruction October 10th - Ancillary Task Reconstruction DeadlineOctober Half term - Research and Planning DeadlineDecember 25th - Final Product DeadlineJan 2015 - Evaluation 

Thursday 19 June 2014

A2 media brief

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a trailer, together with two of the following three options:

• a website homepage for the film;

• a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;

• a poster for the film.
I have chosen the poster and the website to create

Wednesday 18 June 2014

AS Media reflection

From completing last years AS media coursework, I have built up a new set of skills which will help me to improve in future. During the period of creating my magazine I realised my strengths were researching into inspirational texts and magazine institutions. I had strong time management skills which allowed me to keep up on work and tried to add extras in order to improve my research to surpass the miniumum. However I feel my weaknesses were my final product and the Images used which weren’t always conventional to the typical Rock magazine.

 From hindsight, there are many things I really enjoyed and did well in creating however there are many factors that I would change. AS media was the first time I used programmes such as blogger, Photoshop, prezi and others. Therefore as my blog went on I feel I improved in terms of presentation. I really enjoyed Media last year and I am excited to learn more and create an improved final product. I feel due to last years’ experience I will thrive.