Friday 9 January 2015

website first draft

Website homepage: First draft

This print screen shows the progress i have made on my website homepage, I have decided to also add a directors note to complete it. I have looked at other websites which inspired me to add critics quotes in order to persuade people who visit the website that it is a must see film. So far I think this is a successful website as it meets criteria. I have also created a website homepage for a phone/tablet this will be great for my target audience. 

Link to website 

Monday 5 January 2015

Progress: comparison

Since I have taken new photographs and made a film poster, I thought i would apply this to my website in order for it to fit conventions of a traditional horror movie website. I have also edited my layout to improve the overall look. I have also added another page called cast and crew which will include my 'getting to know the cast' video alongside extra information and a note from the director. This is similar to the exorcist film website which features this element and inspired me to include it myself. 

Screenshot from the exorcist website 
This website includes Cast Bios which I am considering adding to my website. 

Thursday 1 January 2015

Creating my Film poster

I have taken photos using a cannon camera this ensures for good quality, I then transferred my chosen picture onto Photoshop and edited it adding my film title. I think I have made progress that fits the typical horror poster conventions however I still need to add the cast and directors names and critics quotes in order to fit my original flat plan. So far I am happy with the progress I have made but will continue to improve in order for it to reach a higher standard of quality.